Why do you go to your Church?


By Bill Itzel 

Why do you go to your church?  The Friends.  The fellowship of the people of God is a necessary grace and wonderful blessing…but if you chose your church because of the friends…you are attending a social club.

Why do you go to your church?  The Music.  God has given us the gift of music to praise Him and to teach us theology in a memorable format…but if you chose your church because of the music…you are attending a concert.

Why do you go to your church?  The Confidence Boost.  The word of God will be encouraging and uplifting, but sometimes it will convict, reprove, and correct,…if you chose your church because of the confidence boost…you are attending therapy.

Why do you go to your church?  The Entertainment.  It is uplifting to a believer when God’s Word is preached and we worship corporately in Spirit and truth…but if you chose your church because of the entertainment…you are attending a show.

Why do you go to your church?  The Contacts.  The people of God can be a true blessing, and we can meet those whom we will have life long relationships, even a spouse…but if you chose your church because of the contacts…you are attending a convention.

Why do you go to your church?  The Opportunities.  Church is a place where we can use our gifts and talents…but if you chose your church because of the opportunities…you are attending a talent show.

Why do you go to your church?  My Children.  Different members of your family might have different “felt-needs”…but if you chose your church because of your children…you are attending a day care.

Why do you go to your church?  My Tradition.  Generational faithfulness is one of the greatest things we can pass on to our children…but if you chose your church because of your Tradition…you are just checking off a box.

Why do you go to your church?  To get ammunition.  Being ready to give an answer is Biblical…but if you chose your church because they help you pridefully boast in your knowledge…you are just preparing for a debate.

Why do you go to your church?  The Word.  A church that preaches, teaches, sings, prays, reads, and lives the Word is a church that is pleasing to God and supersedes all other reasons for gathering…if you chose your church because of the Word…you are in the right place.


  1. If you go to Church on a Sunday,, you are doing it because Satan has deceived you into believing Sunday is a holy day. God's commands that His people will be keeping the 7th day Sabbath.

    1. If you are Old Testament Israel, under the law, before the cross...then yes

  2. Colossians 2:14-17, Romans 14:5, Acts 15 (Sabbath wasn't even mentioned). If you want to worship on Saturday, feel free to do so. It is not a command to the church however. The early church met on the first day of the week for worship for Christ was risen on the first day of the week. We are not under the regulations of the Old Testament law, for it was not given to us, but to Israel.

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with prioritizing attending church based on its commitment to The Word.


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